where is this



Acad­e­mia — capoeira school
Aluno — stu­dent of a capoeira mas­ter; same as dis­cip­ulo
Angola — a tra­di­tional style of capoeira
Angoleiro — a prac­ti­tioner of the Angola style
arame — metal string on the berim­bau
aviso — a berim­bau rythmn, for­merly used to warn play­ers of a police raid


bamba — some­one adept at ver­bal or phys­i­cal spar­ring; capoeira expert
bar­ravent — a berim­bau rythmn; refers to a pre­pos­s­e­sion trance state
berim­bau — lead instru­ment in capoeira, a musi­cal bow
brin­car — to play like a child


cabaça — gourd used as the res­onator on the berim­bau
camará — com­rade; capoeira col­lege
capoeirista — a capoeira player
cav­alaria — ‘cav­alry,’ a berim­bau rhythm for­merly used to warn of a police raid
cax­ixí — woven rat­tle played with the berim­bau
chula — spe­cial intro­duc­tory song, always fol­lows ladainha
com­prar de jôgo — to buy a game, enter­ing the cir­cle by cut­ting in on another player
con­tramestre — an instruc­tor work­ing under a master’s guid­ance in an acad­emy
cordão — col­ored belt awarded to mark grades of advance­ment in some acad­e­mies
cor­ri­dos — call and response songs accom­pa­ny­ing action in the circle


defesa — defen­sive move or move­ment response
dis­cípulo — dis­ci­ple, stu­dent of a capoeira mas­ter
dobrão — coin used to play the berimbau


fechar o corpo — to close the body
flo­r­eios — acro­batic move­ments
for­matura — grad­u­a­tion cer­e­mony for a new capoeira master


iaiá, ioiô — terms used by slaves for daugh­ters and sons of the master


jogador — player
jogar — to play games
jôgo — game


ladainha — litany, and intro­duc­tory solo, usu­ally sung by a mas­ter
ligeiro — swift, quick; nim­ble, agile; slip­pery, dishonest


mac­ulêlê — another mar­tial arts dance to music, involv­ing rhyth­mic stick play
malan­dragem — hooli­gan­ism, shady activ­i­ties; syn­onym for capoeira play
malan­dro — street tough, hood­lum, scoundrel, con man,bad guy
malí­cia — decep­tion, trick­ery, cun­ning, double-dealing, indi­rec­tion
mandigueiro — sor­ceror; healer; syn­onym for capoeira player
man­gangá — med­i­cine man
mestre — mas­ter, senior capoeira teacher
mocambo — fugi­tive slave com­mu­nity
moeda — coin used to play the berim­bau
moleque — street urchin


nome de guerra — nick­name given to a player in the course of his train­ing, some­times as part of a bati­zado initiation


pan­deiro — tam­bourine
pas­sada — foot­work, espe­cially in the ginga
patuá — pro­tec­tive amulet
pé — ‘foot’, posi­tion in front of the berimbau


queda — fall, basic way to lose advan­tage in the game
quilombo — fugi­tive slave community


reco-reco — ribbed bam­boo scraper in capoeira musi­cal ensem­ble
recuo — retreat move, usu­ally with one hand on the ground
Regional — inno­v­a­tive, mod­ern style of capoeira, asso­ci­ated with Mestre Bimba
roda — cir­cle; space for play­ing capoeira


saída — exit, most for­mal way to enter ring; one ‘exits’ from the foot of the berim­bau
samba duro — hard samba, involves trip­ping peo­ple while danc­ing
seqüên­cia — sequence of moves learned by play­ers in Regional style


Tocar — to play an instrument


vadi­ação — loaf­ing, hang­ing around; syn­onym for capoeira
vaqueta — stick used to strike the string of the berim­bau
vara — wooden pole that is the body of the berim­bau
vêrga — wooden pole that is the body of the berimbau